Petiole Pro Community Rules

Latest Revision: 18th August, 2024

Petiole Pro is committed to fostering a healthy, respectful, and productive environment for all members. These rules are designed to ensure that everyone can contribute to the community safely and without fear of harm.


Violent Content: You may share content with graphic details if it is appropriately labeled, not prominently displayed, and not excessively violent or depicting sexual violence. However, content that explicitly threatens, incites, glorifies, or expresses a desire for violence is prohibited.

Violent & Hateful Groups: Promotion of or affiliation with violent and hateful groups is strictly forbidden.

Child Safety: We have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of child exploitation. Any media depicting physical child abuse will be removed to prevent the normalization of violence against children.

Abuse/Harassment: Engaging in abusive behavior, targeting harassment of individuals, or inciting others to do so is not allowed.

Hateful Conduct: Attacks based on race, ethnicity, nationality, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religion, age, disability, or serious illness are prohibited.

Perpetrators of Violent Attacks: Accounts associated with individuals responsible for terrorist acts, violent extremism, or mass violence will be removed. Posts disseminating manifestos or content from such individuals may also be removed.

Suicide and Self-Harm: Promotion or encouragement of suicide or self-harm is not allowed.

Adult Content: Consensually produced and distributed adult content may be shared if properly labeled and not prominently displayed.

Illegal or Regulated Goods/Services: The use of our platform for illegal activities or to facilitate transactions in illegal or regulated goods/services is prohibited.


Private Information: Posting or publishing someone else’s private information (such as phone numbers or addresses) without their consent is not allowed. Threatening to expose such information or incentivizing others to do so is also prohibited.

Non-Consensual Nudity: Sharing intimate photos or videos of someone without their consent is strictly prohibited.

Account Compromise: Unauthorized access to accounts, including using someone else’s credentials, is forbidden.


Platform Manipulation and Spam: Using the platform to artificially amplify or suppress information, or to disrupt the experiences of others, is not allowed.

Civic Integrity: Manipulating or interfering in elections or civic processes, including posting misleading information about how to participate, is prohibited.

Misleading and Deceptive Identities: Impersonating individuals, groups, or organizations to deceive others is not allowed. The use of fake identities to disrupt others’ experiences is also prohibited.

Synthetic and Manipulated Media: Deceptively sharing synthetic or manipulated media that could cause harm is not allowed. We may label such content to provide context.

Copyright and Trademark: Violating intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark, is prohibited.

Third-Party Advertising in Video Content: Posting video content with third-party advertising, such as pre-roll ads or sponsorship graphics, without prior consent is prohibited.

Advice and Information

Be aware that any advice, suggestions, or information provided by members within the community is shared for general informational purposes only. Petiole Pro is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any advice given or obtained within the community.

Members should use their discretion and judgment before following any advice or information shared by others. Always consult a qualified professional for specific advice tailored to your individual needs and circumstances.

Enforcement and Appeals

For more details on enforcement, potential consequences for violations, and how to appeal, please contact