How to Use Petiole Pro and SPAD to Assess Chlorophyll Content of Pakchoy

Scientists used Petiole Pro and SPAD to investigate the effects of red and blue LED light on the growth, yield, and chlorophyll content of pakchoy (Brassica chinensis L.) plants in a growbox
Maryna Kuzmenko, Co-Founder at Petiole
by Maryna Kuzmenko | 30th December 2022 | 3 mins read
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What is Pakchoy and why is this crop important?

Pakchoy, also known as bok choy, pak choi or Chinese cabbage, is an important leafy vegetable crop in many parts of Asia, as well as in other countries around the world. In fact, it is a popular ingredient in many traditional Asian dishes and is grown for its crisp, crunchy stems and dark green leaves.

Pakchoi is rich in nutrients, including vitamins C and K, and is a good source of fiber, calcium, and iron. It is also low in calories and has a high water content, making it a healthy and refreshing addition to many dishes.

In addition to its nutritional value, pakchoi is relatively easy to grow and is adaptable to a variety of growing conditions. It can be grown in both cool and warm climates and is resistant to many common pests and diseases. Alternatively, it can be grown in artificial conditions of greenhouse. These factors make it an important crop for both small-scale farmers and large-scale commercial growers.

Pakchoy is an important leafy vegetable crop in many parts of Asia, as well as in other countries around the world. Photo by benihsayurmura

Why are LED lights helpful for growers?

Light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, are a type of artificial light source that have become popular in indoor farming systems. They work by emitting light of different colours, including red and blue. The specific ratio of red to blue light can have a significant impact on the growth, yield, and overall health of plants, including Pakchoy.

This has been demonstrated through experiments conducted in a controlled environment, such as a grow box.

The right balance of red and blue light can promote healthy plant growth and development, leading to improved yields and overall plant physiology.

How the ratio of red to blue light (R:B) impact the crops?

The ratio of red to blue light (R:B) can have a significant impact on the growth, yield, and overall health of crops. Red light is important for plant growth and development because it promotes flowering and fruiting. It also helps to increase the size and mass of the plant. Blue light, on the other hand, is important for photosynthesis and the synthesis of chlorophyll, which is necessary for the plant to convert sunlight into energy.

The optimal balance of red and blue light will depend on the specific needs of the crop being grown. For example:

  • Leafy vegetables, such as lettuce and spinach, tend to grow best with a higher proportion of blue light, as this promotes chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthesis.
  • Fruiting vegetables, such as tomatoes and peppers, tend to grow best with a higher proportion of red light, as this promotes flowering and fruiting.
  • Flowering plants, such as roses and chrysanthemums, also tend to grow best with a higher proportion of red light, as this promotes flowering.

Overall, it is important to carefully consider the specific needs of the crop being grown when determining the optimal balance of red and blue light. Experimenting with different R:B ratios can help to determine the best combination for promoting healthy plant growth and development.

What is growbox and what are the advantages of growbox?

A grow box is a type of controlled environment specifically designed for growing crops. It is typically a small, enclosed space that is artificially lit and temperature controlled to create the optimal conditions for plant growth. Grow boxes can be used to grow a variety of crops, including vegetables, herbs, and flowers.

One of the main benefits of using a grow box is that it allows farmers to control various factors that can affect plant growth, such as light intensity and quality, temperature, humidity, and nutrient levels. This can help to improve crop yields and quality, as well as reduce the risk of pests and diseases.

Grow boxes can be used in a variety of settings, including laboratories, greenhouses, and even in urban areas where space is limited. They can be used to grow crops year-round, regardless of the outdoor climate. Some grow boxes are even equipped with automated systems to monitor and control various factors, such as light intensity and nutrient levels, to ensure optimal plant growth. Overall, grow boxes provide a convenient and effective way to grow crops in a controlled environment.

What were the settings of the crop experiment?

In this experiment, the design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), which means that the different treatment groups (in this case, the different types of LED light quality) were randomly assigned to the experimental units (plants or groups of plants). The CRD is a common design used in experiments because it allows for a fair comparison of the different treatment groups, as the effects of any extraneous variables are distributed randomly across the groups.

The experiment included 5 different types of LED light quality, characterized by the ratio of red to blue light (R:B).

These ratios were: (R10), (B10), (R5:B5), (R3:B7), and (R7:B3). The different ratios of red to blue light are expected to have different effects on the growth, yield, and overall physiology of the plants being studied. By comparing the results of the different treatment groups, researchers can determine the optimal balance of red and blue light for promoting healthy plant growth.

Which parameters are essential for understanding plant growth?

In this experiment, each of the 5 different types of LED light quality (R:B ratios) was repeated 3 times, resulting in a total of 15 experimental units. The parameters observed included various measures of plant growth, yield, and physiology related to photosynthesis. These parameters included:

  • Plant height (cm): The distance from the base of the plant to the topmost point.
  • Plant length (cm): The distance from the base of the plant to the furthest point on the plant.
  • Number of leaves (plant-1): The total number of leaves on a single plant.
  • Leaf area (cm2): The total surface area of the leaves on a single plant.
  • Plant fresh weight (g plants -1): The weight of the plant when it is freshly harvested.
  • Content of chlorophyll a, b, and total (mg g-1): The amount of chlorophyll a, b, and total (the sum of both) in the plant. Chlorophyll is a pigment found in plants that is important for photosynthesis.
  • Leaf carotenoids content (mg g-1): The amount of carotenoids in the leaves of the plant. Carotenoids are pigments found in plants that can give them a yellow, orange, or red colour.
  • Chlorophyll content of SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development): A measure of the chlorophyll content of the plant using a device called a SPAD meter. The SPAD meter measures the amount of chlorophyll in the plant by shining a light on the leaves and measuring the amount of light that is absorbed.
  • DCGI (Dark Green Colour Index): A measure of the colour of the plant leaves, with higher values indicating a darker green colour. The DCGI is calculated by measuring the amount of light absorbed by the plant leaves at different wavelengths.

These parameters were measured in order to evaluate the effects of the different LED light quality treatments on the growth, yield, and physiology of the plants. By comparing the results of the different treatment groups, researchers can determine the optimal balance of red and blue light for promoting healthy plant growth.

Main results of the LED Pakchoi experiment

The results of the experiment showed that the light quality of monochromatic blue LEDs (B10) and the combination of red and blue light (R3:B7, R5:B5, and R7:B3) significantly improved vegetative growth, chlorophyll content, carotenoids, and fresh weight in the Pakchoy plants compared to monochromatic red light (R10). Among these settings, red and blue LEDs with a ratio of R3:B7 showed the best results on all observation parameters.

Vegetative growth refers to the overall size and development of the plant, including factors such as plant height, plant length, and number of leaves. The results suggest that blue light and a combination of red and blue light were more effective at promoting vegetative growth in the Pakchoy plants compared to red light alone.

Also the results showed that blue light and a combination of red and blue light increased the chlorophyll content of the plants compared to red light alone. This suggests that these types of light are more effective at promoting photosynthesis in the Pakchoy plants

The results showed that blue light and a combination of red and blue light increased the carotenoids content of the plants compared to red light alone. This suggests that these types of light may be more effective at promoting the synthesis of carotenoids in the Pakchoy plants.

Additionally the plant scientists found that blue light and a combination of red and blue light increased the fresh weight of the plants compared to red light alone. This suggests that these types of light may be more effective at promoting plant growth and development overall.

Finally, their discovery was that monochromatic red light (R10) decreased growth, chlorophyll content, and yield in the Pakchoy plants. This suggests that red light alone may not be as effective at promoting these aspects of plant growth and development compared to blue light and a combination of red and blue light.

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