Five useful facts about how Petiole Pro helps in plant biokinetics

The studies of plant biokinetics are conducted in semi-field and field environments to acquire knowledge of how the new active ingredient behaves in a commercial setting. How Petiole Pro can support biokinetic researchers and what can be improved?
Maryna Kuzmenko, Co-Founder at Petiole
by Maryna Kuzmenko | 10th January 2023 | 4 mins read
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Understanding Plant Biokinetics and the Role of Petiole Pro

Biokinetics is a trending topic in plant protection as it allows researchers to understand how plant protection products move within a plant, which is crucial in designing and developing new products.

When deciding what and how to treat a pest or disease on ornamental crops, factors such as where the problem occurs on the plant and whether or not a product needs residual activity within the plant must be considered. How to get more data about plants for proper biokinetics research? Does Petiole Pro as an innovative smartphone-based tool help in biokinetics studies? How does Petiole Pro help to assess plant health? These and other questions are answered below.

What is plant biokinetics?

Plant biokinetics is a branch of plant physiology that studies the kinetics of metabolic processes in plants, particularly with regards to the uptake and utilization of nutrients, the effects of environmental factors on growth and development, and the mechanisms of plant responses to stress. In fact, biokinetics in plant science also studies the process of uptake and utilization of nutrients, the effects of environmental factors on growth and development, and the mechanisms of plant responses to stress.

The research in plant biokinetics is important to understanding how plants grow, develop, and respond to their environment and can help in creating solutions for sustainable crop production and plant breeding.

Finally as a separate direction of biokinetic research, plant scientists also consider the role of hormones and other signaling molecules in regulating these processes. For example, while some insecticides are only effective when in contact with the pest, others like biokinetic products have the ability to move within the plant after application, which is useful in treating pests that are difficult to target directly such as glasshouse spider mites, thrips and leafminers.

As a result, knowing more about biokinetics can help growers optimize their application of plant protection products and achieve better results.

Mobile application Petiole Pro as a tool for biokinetics

Petiole Pro is a mobile application that utilizes computer vision and machine learning algorithms to measure various plant traits such as leaf area, chlorophyll content, canopy cover and get fruit yield prediction in a fast and accurate manner.

Petiole Pro can be used in various environments including the field, greenhouse, and laboratory, which makes it a versatile tool for plant biokinetics research.

This feature makes Petiole Pro an invaluable asset for plant biokinetics research as it allows researchers to gather high-quality data quickly and easily, increasing productivity and helping to further our understanding of how plants grow, develop, and respond to their environment.

Why is real-time data about plants important for plant biokinetics researchers?

Obtaining more data in real-time mode about plants can help shorten experiment duration and enable the examination of more varieties for several reasons:

  1. Efficiency: When scientists can gather large amounts of data quickly and easily, it can help speed up the overall experiment duration. For example, using a device like the Petiole Pro to measure plant traits in real-time can allow researchers to take multiple measurements per day, rather than having to manually measure each trait at different intervals.
  2. High-Throughput: The ability to gather large amounts of data quickly also enables researchers to examine more varieties of plants in a shorter period of time. For example, instead of testing only a few varieties of a particular crop, a researcher could test dozens of varieties, which can help identify more efficient, productive and resistant varieties.
  3. Real-time data visualization: Gathering data in real-time can also enable researchers to visualize the growth and development of plants in real-time and make adjustments to the experiment as needed, which can help optimize the results and increase the overall efficiency of the experiment.
  4. Automatic data analysis: Automatic data analysis can be done with the data obtained in real-time mode. This can help to identify patterns, trends and make predictions of growth behavior which can be helpful to identify the key factors influencing plant growth.

Overall, gathering more data in real-time mode allows plant researchers to get a more detailed understanding of plant growth and development in a shorter period of time, which can help to optimize the results of the experiment and increase its overall efficiency.

Five facts how Petiole Pro supports biokinetics research in plants

Fact 1: Accurate Measurement of Plant Traits with Petiole Pro

The Petiole Pro device is a specialized tool that is designed to accurately measure various plant traits, such as leaf area, leaf area index and chlorophyll content. It is particularly useful in biokinetics plant research, which involves studying the growth and development of plants, as well as their physiological processes.

Fact 2: Time-saving Technology for Routine Measurement Tasks

The mobile application utilizes image analysis techniques to quickly and accurately measure plant traits, which enables researchers to gather large amounts of data in a relatively short period of time.

For example, if you need to measure leaves of 100 plants, it will take significant amount of time with handheld leaf area meter. However, Petiole Pro helps to decrease the time spent on measurement.

Additionally, the mobile application provides an option to share your results in the most effective way chosen by the plant researcher - either using PDF of any other format.

Fact 3: Versatile Use in Field, Greenhouse, and Lab Environments

Petiole Pro is a versatile tool that can be used in any working environment, whether it be outdoors in the field or indoors in controlled agriculture environments and laboratories. Its mobile application and algorithms are designed to work seamlessly in any conditions.

Fact 4: Enhancing Productivity in Plant Research and Experimentation

Data obtained with digital tools allows researchers to better understand the mechanisms that regulate plant growth and development, and how environmental factors may impact these processes.

Fact 5: Developing Advanced Tools for Predictive Analysis and Yield Prediction

Additionally, the Petiole Pro can be used to track the growth of individual plants over time, which is important for understanding the dynamics of plant populations and ecosystems.

Real-world application of Petiole Pro in agriculture biotechnology

The device can help scientists to improve breeding and crop management, as well as to understand the impact of climate change on plant growth.

How Petiole pro reduces data collection and analysis time

Time is an important factor in plant biokinetics experiments because plants are dynamic organisms that change and develop over the course of their life cycle. By studying plants over time, researchers can better understand how different environmental factors, such as light, temperature, and water availability, impact plant growth and development. Additionally, tracking the growth of plants over time can reveal patterns and trends that may not be apparent from studying plants at a single point in time.

For example, by monitoring a plant’s growth over a period of days or weeks, researchers can see how the plant responds to different environmental conditions and how it changes as it progresses through different stages of its life cycle. They can also study how different plant populations respond to varying environmental conditions, which is important for understanding the dynamics of plant communities and ecosystems. By taking measurements of plant traits at regular intervals, scientists can quantify the growth rate, response of plants and the rate of development, which can help to identify key factors that regulate plant growth and development, and how they might be influenced by changes in the environment.

Moreover, the ability to track changes in plants over time enables scientists to study the impacts of abiotic and biotic stress, such as drought, disease, pests, and so on, on plant growth and development. This can have significant implications for breeding, crop management and understanding the impact of climate change on plant growth.

Examples of application Petiole Pro for plant research

  • An experiment was conducted to investigate the impact of presowing nutrition treatment on maize productivity by applying bio-stimulants on corn. In this case study you can learn about this experiment and how Petiole App helped in gathering data about the usefulness of presowing treatment in corn
  • Scientists were focused on the efficient monitoring of groundnut growth and development, especially in harsh environmental conditions to identify desirable peanut genotypes. In this case study we demonstrate how our smartphone-based leaf area meter Petiole App was employed for measuring leaf area in the research.

Challenges, Limitations and future direction

Yes, the challenges and limitations for Petiole Pro in biokinetics exist. There are a few potential challenges and limitations to consider when using Petiole Pro for plant biokinetics research.

One challenge is the reliability of the data collected by the mobile application. While Petiole Pro uses computer vision and machine learning algorithms to accurately measure various plant traits, there is still a chance for measurement error. Particularly if the user does not have the proper training or if there are issues with lighting or camera settings. It’s important to validate results and make sure to use proper calibration and quality control procedures to ensure data accuracy.

Another limitation is that Petiole Pro is primarily designed for the measurement of a limited set of plant traits such as leaf area, chlorophyll content, and canopy cover. It may not be able to measure other plant traits that are important to a specific research study. For example, it may be root analysis or height of plants.

Another challenge is the potential for Petiole Pro to not be able to perform measurements in certain environmental conditions, such as in low light or in extreme weather conditions.

Despite these limitations, Petiole Pro can be a valuable tool for plant biokinetics research if used correctly and with the appropriate validation. It can help increase productivity in data collection and help to further our understanding of how plants grow, develop, and respond to their environment.

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