Assessment of the role of bio-products and Nitrogen fertilizers with Petiole Pro
Recenlty Russian scientists published their research of the role of microbiological products (Gribophyt and Imunazot) and nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate) alone and in combination under barley straw application on crop yield on the morpho-physiological parameters of the yield and the seed chemical composition of the buckwheat.
The researchers used our mobile application Petiole App for non-destructive leaf area measurement of buckwheat plants during the emergence and harvest periods on a plot with total area 192 square meters.
The results of correlation and regression analysis show that there is a relationship between buckwheat yield and the application of nitrogen fertilizers and biological products. The value of the regression coefficient (R = 0.99) demonstrates the close link between the factors for split application of nitrogen fertilizers and biological products and the formation of the leaf area of buckwheatю